Saturday, May 5, 2007


As far as webdesign can be considered, I am completely uncreative. I think it's just the idea of it being something that needs to work with my comic, be seen by the public (all two or three of them),be functional, and on and on. So I'm such a perfectionist, I guess, that I'm afraid of every mishap from "it doesn't match my drawing style" to "it isn't humble enough: I'm a newbie" to "I don't want people to think I'm some kind of goth." But last night I decided to try a black on black thing. Soft black "art deco" flowers on a Very black field. With a big white square. It's actually good! (N did all the work, btw, I was goofy on lortab and just pointed and grunted to indicate my choices) Now I just need a logo, icons, a border....
In other news, I'm fooling around with the style a little, but I think I can safely say that this is going to be called a draft at every turn.

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