Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Excuses, Excuses

Sorry no updates recently. Very busy during the last three weeks. I have been drawing though, so I'll get something up for you soon. "You" being, at this point, N, B, and possibly my mother.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Comic - 11/13/2007

I thought this one would look better. But the yellow is horrible.
That's it for today.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Comic - 11/10/2007

Yay for this comic! Janet and Conn are like artist candy for me. I love to draw and color both of them.
So, if you are ever in Nevada, Lake Mead looks nothing like that. NOT AT ALL.
And I drew a background, as promised.
So all in all:
- Conn is a twit.
- Janet is always that well dressed.
- I actually heard a group of Christian campers singing nearly that exact song. It was FIVE IN THE MORNING. The "Into the wilderness" is definately right, but I had to make up the rest of the lines. I don't care how happy anyone is about anything, it isn't worth singing about it that early.


Monday, October 29, 2007

Comic - 10/29/2007

Fairly happy with the art here.
- Tam is pulling Amos' shirt, not his elbow
- I really like the middle panel
- Pretty sure Tam's butt isn't going to ever be that voluptuous again
- Finally, I know the whole "gradient" background thing is sucky. Inanimate objects are not my specialty, but I will keep trying. The next panel will have backgrounds.


Friday, October 26, 2007

Comic for 26 October, 2007

Let's see, not much to say here.
-Backgrounds still in tentative development.
-I'm debating telling little hints about the characters here. No one reads this anyway, so I could conceivably give away the whole damn plot and it would make no difference.
-THe hint of the day is: Conn and Janet will be back soon.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Comic up!

Actually, it was up a couple of days ago. I have three more that I plan to scan soon. So, yeah. We shall see how long this productivity lasts.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Today's Comic

- Tam likes to talk about books, no shame there.
-Amos believes that he is consistently surrounded by stupid people.
-I don't know how much impact book reading is going to have yet, I'm still sort of playing around. I know how obnoxious it is to read gamer comics and comics about non-web comics. I assume that the percentage of people who have read these books is going to be marginal. That said, I have read them, and they're awesome. So am I making book recommendations? Yes. Do books overshadow the plot of the comic? No, I don't think they will. I have a story of my own in mind.
- Lastly, a couple of people have asked me where this comic is set.
I don't know right now. Apparently in the city of white buildings with white walls. I don't know if it matters where they are unless I'm going to draw backgrounds, which I don't plan to for quite some time.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Comic Update

I will be adding a link to the comic today, because I've gotten 18 posted. Yay! I am additionally going to make some commentary on my comic in the mornings and pretend that someone is actually reading them. One thing I notice is my inability to draw the same thing the same way twice. It's very sad-looking. Luckily, I've worked out a system whereby everyone has slightly different hairstyles. Hopefully I will get the hang of it all soon.
And goodnight!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Comic Update

I am good up to the 22nd on comics. I should probably get a little more ahead before I start teaching.

Saturday, May 5, 2007


As far as webdesign can be considered, I am completely uncreative. I think it's just the idea of it being something that needs to work with my comic, be seen by the public (all two or three of them),be functional, and on and on. So I'm such a perfectionist, I guess, that I'm afraid of every mishap from "it doesn't match my drawing style" to "it isn't humble enough: I'm a newbie" to "I don't want people to think I'm some kind of goth." But last night I decided to try a black on black thing. Soft black "art deco" flowers on a Very black field. With a big white square. It's actually good! (N did all the work, btw, I was goofy on lortab and just pointed and grunted to indicate my choices) Now I just need a logo, icons, a border....
In other news, I'm fooling around with the style a little, but I think I can safely say that this is going to be called a draft at every turn.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Four up!

Yay! I figure I'll stop the annoying counting thing when I hit the 15 mark. I'm still feeling apprehensive about the storyline, the characters, etc...
N keeps saying "blah blah it's a learning experience blah blah," but I'm too much of a perfectionist to be too satisfied. But I am moderately happy with the art - it's dull right now, but it's got the elegant simplicity I'm after. So we'll see. I've officially got myself on a Tuesday- Thursday update schedule.

Have a nice day!

Monday, April 30, 2007

End of the Semester

I have about eight comics in various stages of readiness, I just need an hour to scan and format them. I don't know how people manage to stay on these schedules. Still, I want to update by tomorrow night to keep up the Tuesday-Thursday goal. I will make a point of it tomorrow. And Thursday, having finished my paper, I will get three more ready to go up, so I'll be covered for the next week and a half- er yeah.
Here is a picture from Niche 1.0, which centered around Conn and Amos originally, to make up for my blathering.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Niche: Considering update schedule

I'm thinking twice a week for now. I want to do Tuesday - Thursday.
But there is something so unspeakably silly about having an update schedule when I have only three comics posted. Ah well.
That's is for now. Once I'm aware that anyone besides N. and my friends (who could conceivably ask me if they were confused about something) are reading this, I'll post commentary or something.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

2 down!

I've uploaded 2 whole comics onto my site...but then coerced N into helping me fix my webpage. Not good. It's also a little disconcerting- I'm not sure how good the storyline is, I'm not sure about the art or the characters. It's been enough to keep me on the story for the last seven years, but what if everyone else hates it? Not sure... Still, it's nice to have a hobby. I've also been linking up my deviant art account and these blogs. I hate beginning new things.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Niche: Version 2

I've got a lot to do today, but I'm going to try to finish the second strip this evening, and scan and post them both tomorrow. Once I have about 15 strips up, I'll post a link on this page. Alas, I remember nothing that I learned last summer about posting.
Have a happy morning.