Monday, October 29, 2007

Comic - 10/29/2007

Fairly happy with the art here.
- Tam is pulling Amos' shirt, not his elbow
- I really like the middle panel
- Pretty sure Tam's butt isn't going to ever be that voluptuous again
- Finally, I know the whole "gradient" background thing is sucky. Inanimate objects are not my specialty, but I will keep trying. The next panel will have backgrounds.


Friday, October 26, 2007

Comic for 26 October, 2007

Let's see, not much to say here.
-Backgrounds still in tentative development.
-I'm debating telling little hints about the characters here. No one reads this anyway, so I could conceivably give away the whole damn plot and it would make no difference.
-THe hint of the day is: Conn and Janet will be back soon.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Comic up!

Actually, it was up a couple of days ago. I have three more that I plan to scan soon. So, yeah. We shall see how long this productivity lasts.